Tuesday 7 December 2010

About having fun with love...But being in love it means that having sex?

It is very important to have fun in the same time when are you in love.Being in love its very important but having fun is more important.When you find the right person then you see if is the right person or no.
I had the same issue but right now I feel really good because I know what it means.
Even if in this days is very important to have fun in any time and everywhere its important to have fun with the perfect person....The person that you love and being you...THAT IS IMPORTANT   in my opinion.
So If you read my blog then is very important to have fun with the person you like.

The first period is very easy but after is quit difficult because you have to see if that person really like you or care about you and if he or she does, then is the most beautiful thing: the connection between you two...The process of being in love is very complex and it means to have time and be patient...And my motto is : What does not kill you make you stronger! First have to be at fist sight connection and then will be more then that...But it also have to include the sex because if it does n t 

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